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You searched for jeb.

Naan Dictionary
(of computers and software) to save vt.
Sample Sentences (English)
Sample Sentences (Marshallese)
It got to Ebon yesterday.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jeb i Epoon inne.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

He reached the island.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jeb ioon āneṇ

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

It got to Ebon yesterday.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jeb i Epoon inne

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Bathing and brushing teeth daily, wearing clean clothes, keeping hands and fingernails clean, and wearing slippers and shoes helps prevent colds and the spreading of germs to others.

Caring for Your Child

Jet wewein bōbrae jen nañinmij einwōt tutu im buraj e ñiid aolep ran, ekōnak nuknuk erreo, jeb akki in peid im ekkōnak juuj.

Caring for Your Child

So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not.


Innām kapen eo ear kepaak e im ba ñan e, Ewi wāween aṃ maroñ kiki? Kwōn jerkak; kūr ñan Anij eo aṃ. Bōlen Anij enaaj ḷōmṇak kōn kōj bwe jeb jako.
