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You searched for kōnke.

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because subordinating conjunction
but in order for this to happen, … phrase
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Sample Sentences (Marshallese)
soon mark>because really knows when your four minutes will over.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Bōtaab ejjab etto emaroñ in, kōnke ejjeḷọk juon elukkuun jeḷā ñaat eo minit ko emen aṃ renaaj jeṃḷọk.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

because… been asked participatesmall went fulfill duty.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ak kōnke kar kajjitōk ippa ñan bōk koṇaaō ilo juon wāween, iaar etal ñan kakūrṃool eddo eo aō.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

I that because… grandma, grandmas ! been inspiring watch progress step step, learning instrument only bless life also lives many others.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Im imaroñ ba bwe kōnke ij jibūn, im jibūn ej jab riab! Eaar menin itok limo ñan alooje an eddōkḷọk buñtōn ṇae buñtōn, katak ñan kōjerbale kein kōjañjañ in wōt an ñan kōjeraṃṃan jab mour eo an ak barāinwōt mour ko elōñ ro jet.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Becausewould like discuss learning language Spirit— speaks increase ability hear voice.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke jotenin ikōṇaan bwe jen kōnono kōn ekkatak kajin eo an Jetōb eo—ewi wāween Ej kōnono ñan kōj.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

mark>because audience here large also joined young adults over worldlike invite something.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kiiō, kōnke jarlepju eo ad ijin ekilep im jej barāinwōt koba ippān rūṃṃan ded aolepān laḷ in, ikōṇaan karuwaineneik eok ñan kōṃṃane juon men.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

know this because latter- prophets have taught doctrine personal revelation.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Jejeḷā menin kōnke aolep rikaan ro raan kein raar katakin katak ko kōn revelesōn an juon make.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

didngive much hope since lived fairly close freeway.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Im eaar jab letok ñan kōṃ eḷap kōjatdikdik, kōnke kōṃ ar jokwe epaake ḷọk freeway eo.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because children generally filled with humility, they qualify receive Heavenly Fatherpromise given Doctrine Covenants: thou humble; Lord shall lead thee hand, give thee answer prayers.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke ajri ro rej obrak kōn ettā bōro, rej ekkar ñan bōk kaliṃṃur eo an Jemedwōj Ilañ āinwōt letok ilo Doctrine and Covenants: eḷaññe jej ettā bōro; Enaaj tōlḷọk kōj kōn Pein im letok ñan kōj uwaak ñan jar ko ad.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Remember learn from negative example King Limhipeople Book Mormon: Lord slow hear their because their iniquities.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Keememej im katak jān waanjoñak eo enana an armej ro an Kiiñ Limhi ilo Bok in Mormon eo: Irooj eaar ruṃwij ñan roñ kūr eo aer kōnke jerawiwi ko aer.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because believed counsel givenliving prophet taught that could have children while were getting education work same time, moved forward faith.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke kōṃ ar tōmak ilo kapilōk eo letok jen juon rikanaan eo eaar katakin bwe kōṃ maroñ neji iien eo kōmij jikuuḷ im jerbal ilo ejja iien eo wōt, kōṃ ar wōnṃaanḷọk wōt ilo tōmak.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because hindsight, they that they each needed have certain experiences order able recognize Lordhand leading them their eternal companions.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke jej aikuj jeḷā kālet eo ejiṃwe, remaroñ kiiō loe bwe er kajjojo rej aikuj ñan bōk jejjo eñjake ko bwe ren maroñ kile pein Irooj ej tōlḷọk er ñan kampānion eo aer ñan indeeo.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

answerresounding because atoning sacrifice Savior.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Uwaak eo ej juon aaet, eṃool kōnke kōn eñtaan pinmuur eo an Rilọmọọr.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

This because celestial organization heaven based families.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Menin ej kōnke ejaak eo an lañ ilo aiboojoj in aḷ ej pedped ioon baaṃḷe ko.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

They accepted with courage determination torture, humiliation, even death that would come them because their testimony.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Raar errā kōn peran im leke kakkure eo, kajjokook, im aaet mej eo enaaj kar itok ñan er kōnke naan in kaṃool eo aer.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because made stuff eternity.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke jaar kōṃanṃan jen mōnakjen ko rej indeeo.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because individual load needs generate spiritual traction, should careful haul around lives many nice unnecessary things that distracted diverted from things that truly matter most.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke eddo ko ad raikuj kwaḷọk kajoor an jetōb, jej aikuj mejmej karuo ñan jab kobaik āinwōt ṃōttan mour ko ad kōnke elōñ men ko reṃṃan ak rōjekkar me jej juḷọk im kowaani men ko eḷaptata tokjāer.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Lord declared, Therefore, continue your journey your hearts rejoice; behold, with even unto ).

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ilo an Irooj kar kwaḷọk, bwe jej aikuj wōnṃaan ḷọk im mour kōn mour ko ad im bwe jej aikuj lañlōñ kōnke Ej pād ippad, meñe ñan jeṃḷọkin mour ko ad (D&C 100:12).

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

ordinances priesthood, power godliness manifest unto women flesh, including blessings Atonement (C).

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke ilo kaiñi ko an priesthood, kajoor in kwojarjar ej rie ñan eṃṃaan im kōrā ro ilo mour wapanpan, ekoba kōjeraṃṃan ko an Pinmuur eo (lale D&C 84:20–21).

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

perfectly knows understands, felt borne individual burdens.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ak Nejin Anij ejeḷā im emeḷeḷe kaki, kōnke Eaar eñjake im kar ineek eddo ko ad kajjojo.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because Savior obedient, atoned sins, making possible resurrection preparing return Heavenly Father, knew would make mistakes learned obedience mortality.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke ad Rilọmọọr eaar pokake, Eaar pinmuur kōn jerawiwi ko ad, kapidodoik jerkakpeje eo ad im kōpooj iaḷ eo ñan kōj ñan bar rọọl ñan Jemedwōj Ilañ, eo eaar jeḷā jenaaj kar kōṃṃani bōd ko ilo ad kar katak pokake ilo mour wabanban in.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because this widely practiced many, this perversion obedience diminishes standards culture laws.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke menin emakijkij ad kōṃṃane jen ekanooj lōñ, riab in pokake in ej kōṃakunḷọk joñan ko an Anij ilo ṃanit eo ad im ilo kien ko.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Some obey selectively because they cannot perceive reasons commandment, just children always understand reasons their parents’ counsel rules.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Jet rej kālet ñan ta eo rej pokake kōnke rejjab maroñ meḷeḷe aolep un ko ñan juon kien, āinwōt ajri ro rejjab iien otemjej meḷeḷe un ko kōn kapilōk im ruuḷ ko an jinier im jemeer.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

scriptures provide answer: reason Cain some children Adam chose disobey because they loved Satan more than .

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Jeje ko rekwojarjar ej letok juon uwaak: un eo Cain im jet iaan ajri ro nejin Adam im Eve raar kālet ñan jab pokake ej kōnke raar iakwe Satan eḷapḷọk jān Anij.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because obeyed, every knee shall , every tongue confess… that [ Savior].

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke Eaar pokake, bukwe otemjej naaj bukwelōlō, im aolep lo naaj kwaḷọk bōro iṃaan… bwe E ej [ad Rilọmọọr].

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

With admiration encouragement everyone will need remain steadfast these latter days especially youth Church that havenalready, will find yourself called upon defend your faith perhaps even endure some personal abuse simply because member Church Jesus Christ Latter- Saints.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōn nōbar im kōketak ñan jabdewōt eo enaaj aikuj jutak pen wōt ilo raan kein āliktata, ij ba ñan aolep im elaptata jodrikdrik ro an Kabuñ in bwe elañe kom ejjanin kar, kom naaj juon raan lo kom make ilo ami make kūr ñan dāpij tōmak eo ami ak mije jet iaan men ko rej kōmetak kom kōnke kom ej uwaan Kabuñ eo an Jisōs Kraist im armej ro rekwōjarjar ilo raan kein āliktata.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Sometimes hard beingmissionary because right thenwanted back, grab that little , EXCUSEdidn’t.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Jet ien epen ñan juōn mijinede kōnke ilo tōre eo ikar kōṇaan bar rool, kanōk tōk eṃṃan in, im ba, KWEITA! Ak ikar jab.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

, worthmark>because alternative have houses left unto desolate—desolate individuals, desolate families, desolate neighborhoods, desolate nations.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Aet, elap an wōr tokjen, kōnke kelet eo juōn ej ñan kōṃṃan bwe ṃoko iṃōd ren juōn iien naaj maat juon armej ej ejelok bōnbōn in, baṃle ko ejelok kobbaer, jukjuk in pād ko ejelok kobbaer, im laḷ ko ejelok kobbaer.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

said King Noah: Becausehave told truth angry with.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ke ekar ba ñan kiiñ Noah: im kōnke iaar ba ñan koṃ ṃool eo koṃij illu ippa.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Christlike love greatest need have this planet part because righteousness always supposed accompany.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Iakwe eo an Kraist ej men eo elaptata jej aikuji ilo laḷ in ilo ṃōttan kōnke mour jiṃwe aolep iien ej ṃōttāiki.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Having satisfied demands justice, Christ steps into place justice; might justice, just love.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke Eaar kabuñ akweḷap ko an ekajet, Kraist kiiō ej bōk jikin ekajet; ak jemaroñ ba, E ej ekajet, ejja āinwōt an E ej Iakwe.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

injury, disability, betrayal, abuse goes uncompensated because ultimate justice mercy.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Ejjeḷok metak, jipikpik, riab nae, ak kakkure ejjeḷọk wōnāān ilo jeṃḷọk eo kōnke jiṃwe im tūriamo eo An eḷaptata.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because redeemed from Fall, lives reality .

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke Eaar lọmọọren kōj jān Wōtlọk eo, mour ko ad eṃool rej An.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Beholdhave given unto gospel, this gospel whichhave given unto —thatcame into world will Fathermark>because Father sent.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Lo Iaar lewōj ñan koṃ gospeḷ eo Aō, im eñin ej gospel eo Iaar lewōj ñan koṃ—bwe Iaar itok ñan laḷ in ñan kōṃanṃan ankilaan Jema, kōnke Jema eaar jilkintok Eō.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because resurrected, Jesus cannot have been onlycarpenter teacher rabbi, a prophet.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke E eaar jerkakpeje, Jisōs e ban juōn kaamtō, juōn ri kaki, juōn rabbai, ak juōn ri kanaan wōt.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Because resurrected, Jesus have been, even Only Begotten Father.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke Eaar jerkakpeje, Jisōs eakuij kar juōn Anij, eṃool eo Emake Keotake Nejin Jemān.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Given reality Resurrection Christ, doubts about omnipotence, omniscience, benevolence Father— gave Only Begotten redemption world— groundless.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke ṃool in Jerkakpeje eo an Kraist, pere kōn An kajoor otem kajoor, An pād ijoko jabdewōt, im jouj eo an Anij Jemān—eo Eaar letok Nejin Emake Eaar Keotake ñan lọmọọr eo an laḷ—ejjeḷọk pedpedier.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Given reality Resurrection Christ, repentance violation commandments both possible urgent.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Kōnke ṃool in Jerkakpeje eo an Kraist, ukweḷọk jān aolep bōd ko ṇae naan in jiroñ ko im kien ko an emaroñ jimor bōk jikin im mōkaj kitien.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

only would make wind down enough raise sail; clearly engine going work.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōl eo de eo kōmmān maroñ kar kōṃṃane, eḷaññe eṃṃan kōto, lewūjḷā kōnke alikkar ke eban ṃōṃan injin eo ammān.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

almost reached bottom container drinking water four, need careful water strictly drinking.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke ṃōttan wōt jidik ṇa i kapin tāāñin dān ṇe limedmān, jenaaj kōjparoke wōt ñan idaak.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

didnknow seen flare guessed that hadn’mark>because didncome back what just kept going.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōmmān ñak ekar lo ke kōjjoram eo ak kōmmān ḷak aṇtọọne ḷọk, bōlen ekar jab loe bwe kōnke ejab rọọl in kar lale ak ekar etal wōt.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I waited longerwould have fallen down hard; justemptied bucketwave smacked boat hard that almost capsized.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ñe ikar ruṃwij jidik inaaj kar lukkuun ñarij lowa, kōnke ej ṃōj wōt aō lutōk ḷọk ak ebar tar tok juon ṇo im kōjbouki wa eo im ewātin lā.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Boatswain must have understood what Father meantmark>because smell strong inside that could hardly breathe.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej aikuj kar meḷeḷe eake men eo Jema ekar jiroñ ḷọk kōnke joñan an kijoñ jāālelin nemān kiaj eo i lowa, jeitan ban kōboutuut ijo

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

great deal accomplished, their first session, there were important things Micronesians follow.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ear jab kanooj ḷap tōprak kōnke ej kab juon alen aer kwelọk bōtab ewōr ruo men eḷḷap raar karōki ñan an ri-Ṃaikronijia ḷoori

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ripit clan because thatmotherclan.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Jowi e aō ej Ripit kōnke jinō ej Ripit.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

only thing they lacked vehicle haul these things Likiep, except fieldtrip ship, would have wait that three months.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Men eo ejjeḷọk de eo waan ektaki ḷọk men kein ñan Likiep, ijellọkin wōt tiṃa in raun eo, ak kōnke kōmmān aikuj naaj kar kōttar tok bar jilu allōñ

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I also promised myselfwould because stir-crazy staying island time.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kab ke eṃōj aō jeke ippa ke jerak kōnke jekiden ṇa i ānin

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Boatswain must have understood what Father meantmark>because smell strong inside that could hardly breathe.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej aikuj kar meḷeḷe eake men eo Jema ekar jiroñ ḷọk kōnke joñan an kijoñ jāālelin nemān kiaj eo i lowa, jeitan ban kōboutuut ijo.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Whenever have male children, they iepjaḷḷọk because they always stay with wifefamily.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ñe ej wōr nejid laddik rej iep jaḷḷọk kōnke ekkā wōt aer naaj ḷoor kōrā ro ippāer.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I ashamed that sharing this food with them.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Iāliklik kōn ṃōñā kā kōnke jejjab naajdik er.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I waited longerwould have fallen down hard; justemptied bucketwave smacked boat hard that almost capsized.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ñe ikar ruṃwij jidik inaaj kar lukkuun ñarij lowa, kōnke ej ṃōj wōt aō lutōk ḷọk ak ebar tar tok juon ṇo im kōjbouki wa eo im ewātin lā

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

clearly wasnstrong enough because soon stood almost buckled over.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ealikkar an kar jañin kajoor kōnke eḷak jutak ewātin ālokjak

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

clan name Tonyfather Erroja-kijeek, means that Tonyclan name would Erroja-kijeekmark>because inherit clan from mothers.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eḷaññe jowi eo an jemān Tony ej Erroja-kijeek, ej meḷeḷen bwe jowi eo an Tony eban Erroja-kijeek, kōnke jej bōk ad jowi jān jined.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

overcome with much didnbelieve would winner.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Erōññōḷọk kōnke ear jab tōmak enāj kar bōk tūb eo.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

minor case negligable chill gets while land.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Piọ waan men eṇ ippān kōnke piọ in eppānene.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

There shouldnanybody owning more land than others these days living situation changed.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jab aikuj wōr ri-amḷap raan kein kōnke eoktak wāween mour.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

sound gurgling gavegood feeling meant that engine would start.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eṃṃan aō roñ ainikien ekkopkopin kiaaj kōnke ekōṃṃan aō kojatdikdik bwe emōur injin

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Although what Captain said sounded good more inclined believe Father because Captain already made many mistakes this trip many things were happeningresult.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Meñe eṃṃanḷọk aō roñ peḷḷọkin naan ko an Kapen eo, āinwōt eitok wōt bwe in kar tōmak naan ko an Jema kōnke elōñ de alen an kar Kapen eo jirillọk.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s corroded because s been long.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eluwajetḷọk kiiō kōnke eto an jojo iar.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

hungry tramp begged food from rich person.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Armej jeedwaan eo eaar uññare ri-ṃweie eo kōnke ekwōle.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

only thing they lacked vehicle haul these things Likiep, except fieldtrip ship, would have wait that three months.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Men eo ejjeḷọk de eo waan ektaki ḷọk men kein ñan Likiep, ijellọkin wōt tiṃa in raun eo, ak kōnke kōmmān aikuj naaj kar kōttar tok bar jilu allōñ.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

sound gurgling gavegood feeling meant that engine would start.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eṃṃan aō roñ ainikien ekkopkopin kiaaj kōnke ekōṃṃan aō kojatdikdik bwe emōur injin.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s alloy, that your machete breakable.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Wūnin an kōkōṃ (ekkōṃ) jāje ṇe kōnke māāl waan.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

current running northwards mark>because there normally wind from southwest sincesummer.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej ae niñaḷọk kiiō kōnke ekkā wōt an kūtak bwe ej iien rak wōt.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Captain think take pipes apart suggest because this lamp giving enough light, Father said.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kapen e, ij jab ḷōmṇak imaroñ jeḷati baib kā āinwōt aṃ ba kōnke ejemram ḷaaṃ e, Jema ekar ba.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

usually grows northern islands because arrowroot grows sandy places little rainfall.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ekkā wōt an eddek ilo aelōñ ko iōñ kōnke ṃakṃōk eṃṃan an eddek ilo jikin ko rejawōtwōt im kabokbok.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

difficluty using full sense smelling because stuffy nose.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Enana an kāātet kōnke eboṇ bọtin

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s light skinned because fatherwhite American.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eaiṇokko kōnke nejin ri-pālle.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s lots land because s head lineage.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eamḷap kōnke ej ṃaan bwij.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

difficluty using full sense smelling because stuffy nose.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Enana an kāātet kōnke eboṇ bọtin.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

When bucket fullhanded Boatswain standing door looking down.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej booḷ wōt ak ileḷọk ñan Bojin eo kōnke epād ilo kōjām eo ej rōre laḷ tak.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I only knew this because… stick hand pocket take cigarette match.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Unin aō ba men in kōnke ikar lo an rwe bōjọ eo an im kwaḷọk jikka eo kijen im juon mājet.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

outboard motor boat made spray because horsepower engine.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ejọkurbaatat ḷoon eo kōnke jibukwi ọọj bawōrin injin ḷọk eo ie.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Because they fish with dynamite means that they also kill fish indiscriminately.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke rej ri-abba, meḷeḷein bwe rej bareinwōt ri-kaajeḷḷā ek.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

There shouldnanybody owning more land than others these days living situation changed.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej jab aikuj wōr ri-amḷap raan kein kōnke eoktak wāween mour

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

didnwith them because cowardly Lurōk, fired from their team.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ear jab āñini ippāer kōnke ej tōḷọk pikōt āinwōt Lurōk eo raar kupiiki jān kumi eo aer.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s alloy, that your machete breakable.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Wūnin an kōkōṃ (ekkōṃ) jāje ṇe kōnke māāl waan

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s lots land because s head lineage.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eamḷap kōnke ej ṃaan bwij

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Because sails were made from woven pandanus leaves, ancestors necessarily weave atro covering their canoe sails prevent them from getting soaked.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke wōjḷā ko etto rejọ kōn kōṃṃan jān maañin bōb, rūtto ro rōkōn aikuj āj atro kein lōbboiki bwe ren jab tutu im ṃọḷeḷe

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Because Marshallese language wasn into writing until Westerners came, many people living today know legends Marshallese people.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke kajin Ṃajeḷ ear jab pād ilo peba ṃae iien eo ear itok ri-pālle, ej jab kanooj lōñ armej rej mour wōt kiiō rejeḷā inọñ ko an ri-Ṃajeḷ.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Because sails were made from woven pandanus leaves, ancestors necessarily weave atro covering their canoe sails prevent them from getting soaked.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke wōjḷā ko etto rejọ kōn kōṃṃan jān maañin bōb, rūtto ro rōkōn aikuj āj atro kein lōbboiki bwe ren jab tutu im ṃọḷeḷe.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Father realized that owned boat going boat frugal kind mark>because very careful protective boat.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Jema ear kile ippān make ke ḷeo ej itōn kajjitōk wa eo waan ej kain armej rot eṇ epen ṃweien kōnke eḷap an tiljek im kōjparok.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

I ashamed that sharing this food with them.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Iāliklik kōn ṃōñā kā kōnke jejjab naajdik er

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

s light skinned because fatherwhite American.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Eaiṇokko kōnke nejin ri-pālle

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Those breadfruit good because they from tree.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Rej jab nenọ (ennọ) mā kaṇe kōnke reālkūṃur.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

current running northwards mark>because there normally wind from southwest sincesummer.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ej ae niñaḷọk kiiō kōnke ekkā wōt an kūtak bwe ej iien rak wōt

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Because they fish with dynamite means that they also kill fish indiscriminately.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke rej ri-abba, meḷeḷein bwe rej bareinwōt ri-kaajeḷḷā ek

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

think said that because s from Kwajalein.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke e ri-Kuwajleen kōmmān tōmake ke ej ba men eo.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

think said that because Kwajalein person.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke e ri-Kuwajleen kōmmān tōmake ke ej ba men eo.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

When they realized they wouldnaccomplish anything with their talk, Father Boatswain didn another word instead just stayed where they were waited Captain tell them what.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Kōnke erro kile ke ejej men eṇ erro naaj tokwōje ñe erro kōnono ṃaan ḷọk wōt, Jema im Bojin eo erro jab bar ba juon naan ak erro pād wōt im kōttar ta eo ebar ba erro en kōṃṃane.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

overcome with much didnbelieve would winner.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Erōññōḷọk kōnke ear jab tōmak enāj kar bōk tūb eo

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

clearly wasnstrong enough because soon stood almost buckled over.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

Ealikkar an kar jañin kajoor kōnke eḷak jutak ewātin ālokjak.

Marshallese-English Online Dictionary

called name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort concerning work toil handsmark>because ground which LORD hath cursed.


Im ej ṇa etan Noa im ba, E in enaaj kaaenōṃṃan kōj kōn ad jerbal i kōn eñtaan ko an peed, eo ej itok kōnke Jeova ear kọọle āneo.


land able bear them, that they might dwell together: their substance great, that they could dwell together.


Im āneo e jab maroñe erro, bwe ren jokwe ippān doon; kōnke men ko aer re lōñ, āinwōt bwe re ban jokwe ippān doon.


while lingered, laid hold upon hand, upon hand wife, upon hand daughters; LORD being merciful unto : they brought forth, without city.


A e ruṃwij, im ḷōṃaro raar kabwijere pein, im pein lio pāleen, im pein liṃaro ruo nejin, kōnke Jeova ej tūriaṃokake e, im raar āñinḷọk e im likūt ilikin jikin kweilọk eo.


also bondwoman willmakenationmark>because seed.


Im barāinwōt kōn ḷadik eo nejin lio ri kaṃakoko, Inaaj kōṃṃan bwiji eḷap, kōnke ineōṃ.


Leah conceived, bare, called name Reuben: said, Surely LORD hath looked upon affliction; therefore husband will love.


Im Lia ear etta, im keotak nejin eṃṃaan, im ṇa etan Ruben, bwe ej ba Kōnke Jeova ear lo aō eñtaan, innām kiiō ḷeo pāleō enaaj yokwe eō.


conceived again, bare; said, Because LORD hath heard hated, hath therefore given this also: called name Simeon.


Innām ear bar etta, im keotak nejin eṃṃaan, im ear ba, Kōnke Jeov ear roñ kōn aer dike eō, Ej barāinwōt letok nejū in. Im ear ṇa etan Simeon.


, though thou wouldest needs gonemark>because thou sore longedst after fatherhouse, wherefore hast thou stolen gods?


Im kiiō eḷaññe eṃṃan aṃ ilọk, kōnke e kanooj ḷap aṃ oñkake iṃō jemaṃ, etke kwaar kọọte anij ko aō?


Jacob answered said Laban, Because afraid: said, Peradventure thou wouldest take force daughters from.


Im Jekob ear uwaak im ba ñan Leban, Kōnke iar mijak, bwe iar ba Bōlen kwōnaaj kar bōk liṃaro nejōṃ jān eō kōn kajoor.


sons Jacob answered Shechem Hamor father deceitfully, saidmark>because defiled Dinah their sister:


In ḷōṃaro nejin Jekob raar uwaak Shikem im Hemor jemān ilo ṃoṇ im kōnono, kōnke ear kananaik Daina jatier.


sons Jacob came upon slain, spoiled citymark>because they defiled their sister.


Im ḷōṃaro nejin Jekob raar itok ioon ro re mej, im raar rakimi jiki kweilọk eo aer, kōnke raar kananaik lio jatier.


built there altar, called place Elbethelmark>because there appeared unto , when fled from face brother.


Im ear kalōk juon lokatok ijo, im ear ṇa etan ijo El-betel,kōnke ijo Anij e kar waḷọk ñan e, ke ear ko jān iṃaan mejān jein.


their riches were more than that they might dwell together; land wherein they were strangers could bear them because their cattle.


Kōnke elōñ ṃweieir jān aer maroñ in jokwe ippān doon, im āne in aer ito-itak e bane er kōn bwijin kidu ko aer.


that dream doubled unto Pharaoh twice; is because thing established , will shortly bring pass.


Im unin an waḷọk tōṇak in ñan Pero alen ruo, kōnke Anij ear kapen me in, im enaaj ṃōkaj an Anij kaṃool e.


were afraidmark>because they were brought into Josephhouse; they said, Because money that returned sacks first time brought; that seek occasion against, fall upon, take bondmen, asses.


Im ḷōṃaro raar mijak, kōnke raar āñinḷọk er ñan iṃōn Josep; im raa ba, Kōnke ṃani eo ear ilọk ilo bag ko ar iien eo ṃokta, rej kadeḷọñtok kōj; bwe en pukōt rued, im buñ iod im bōk kōj ri kaṃakoko, im donkey ko ad.


midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because Hebrew women Egyptian women; they lively, delivered midwives come unto them.


Im ro ri kemour raar uwaak Pero, Kōnke kōrā raṇ ri Hibru re jab āinwō kōrā raṇ ri Ijipt, bwe re ājmour im keotak ṃokta jān an ri kemour ilọk ña ippaer.


child grew, brought unto Pharaohdaughter, became . called name Moses: said, Becausedrew water.


Im ḷadik eo ear rūttoḷọk, innām ear bōkḷọk e ñan lio nejin Pero, im e nejin. Im ear ṇa etan Moses im ba, Kōnke iar bōk e jān dān.


they said unto Moses, Because there were graves Egypt, hast thou taken away wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with, carry forth Egypt?


Im raar ba ñan Moses, Ta, kwaar āñintok kōm bwe kōmin mej ilo ān jeṃaden kōnke ejjeḷọk lōb ilo Ijipt ke? Etke kwaar kōṃṃan men in ñan kōm im kadiwōjḷọk kōm jān Ijipt?


Moses said unto father , Because people come unto enquire :


Im Moses ear ba ñan jemān lio, Kōnke armej rej itok ñan ippa bwe re kajjitōk ippān Anij.


they said unto, Make gods, which shall before: this Moses, that brought land Egypt, what become .


Kōnke raar ba ñan eō, Kwōn kōṃanṃan ñan kōj anij raṇ, ro renaaj ilọk iṃaad ḷọk; bwe kōn Moses in, armej eo ear āñintok kōj jān āne in Ijipt, je jaj e wōjak et.


Moses able enter into tent congregationmark>because cloud abode thereon, glory LORD filled tabernacle.


Im Moses e ban deḷọñ ilowaan ṃōn kweilọk eo, kōnke kōdọ eo ear pā ioon, im aiboojoj an Jeova ear kobrak ṃōn kōppād eo.


soul , hear voice swearing, witness, whether hath seen known; utter, then shall bear iniquity.


Im eḷaññe jabdewōt armej ej jerọwiwi kōnke ear lo ak jeḷā kōn juon men im e jab kwaḷọke ke ej roñ aer kōjjeḷā bwe armej ren kwaḷọk, innām enaaj wo ruōn.


nakedness father, nakedness mother, shalt thou uncover: mother; thou shalt uncover nakedness.


Kwōn jab ālōke nuknuk an jinōṃ kōnke ej pāleen jemaṃ. Kwōn jab ālōke an nuknuk.


nakedness fatherwife shalt thou uncover: fathernakedness.


Kwōn jab ālōke nuknuk an lio pāleen jemaṃ kōnke ej pāleen jemaṃ.


Only shall unto vail, come nigh unto altarmark>because hathblemish; that profane sanctuaries: LORD sanctify them.


Men in wōt, e jāmin deḷọñ ñan katiin eo ak ruwaakḷọk ñan lokatok eo, kōnke e jab weeppān, bwe en jab kananaik jikin kwōjarjar eo Aō, bwe Ña Jeov eo ej kokwōjarjar er.


land also shall left them, shall enjoy sabbaths, while lieth desolate without them: they shall accept punishment their iniquitymark>because…even because they despised judgments, because their soul abhorred statutes.


Āneo ke re jako jān e, enaaj ṃōṇōṇō kake Sabat ko an, toōn an āinwō āne jeṃaden im rej etoḷọk jān e; im renaaj bōk kaje eo kōn aer kōṃṃan nana; kōnke raar joḷọk ekajet ko Aō, im aer ear jōjōik kien ko Aō.


priest shall offer offering, other burnt offering, make atonement , that sinned dead, shall hallow head that same .


Im pris eo en katok kōn juon iaer, men in katok kōn bōd, im eo juo men in katok kijeek, im kōṃṃan kōllaajrak ñan e, kōnke ear bōd kōn eo ri mej im naaj kokwōjarjar bōran raan eo wōt.


This water Meribahmark>because children Israel strove with LORD, sanctified them.


Irkein dān ko in Meriba; kōnke ro nejin Israel raar akwāāle Jeova, i Ear kwōjarjar ilo er.


Aaron shall gathered unto people: shall enter into land whichhave given unto children Israelmark>because rebelled against word water Meribah.


Inaaj ain Aron ñan ippān ro jiṃṃan, bwe e jāmin deḷọñ ilo āneo Ia leḷọk ñan ro nejin Israel, kōnke koṃiro ar kōtrāe Aō in naan iturin dān ko a Meriba.


those that were numbered them were twenty three thousand, males frommonth upward: they were numbered among children Israelmark>because there inheritance given them among children Israel.


Im ro eṃōj bwini er, 23,000, jabdewōt eṃṃaan jān rūttōn juon allō im jiṃa, bwe raar jab bwini er ippān ro nejin Israel, kōnke raar jab leḷọk ae jolōt ippān ro nejin Israel.


ourselves will ready armed before children Israel, until have brought them unto their place: little ones shall dwell fenced cities because inhabitants land.


A kōm naaj pojōk, im kein tariṇae ippem, bwe kōmin ilọk iṃaan r nejin Israel, ṃae iien am naaj āñinḷọk er ñan jikir; im ajri ro nejem renaaj jokw ilo jikin kweilọk ko re pen, kōnke ro ri ānin rej pād wōt.


will inherit with them yonder side Jordan, forwardmark>because inheritance fallen this side Jordan eastward.


Bwe kōm jāmin jolōt ippaer i Jordan jab uweo im ṃaanḷọk; kōnke a jolōt ear buñ ñan kōm i reeaar in Jordan.


Nevertheless these shall them that chew , them that divide cloven hoof; camel, hare, coney: they chew , divide hoof; therefore they unclean unto .


Ijoke, erkein iaan ko rej meme kijeir alen ruo, ak e jepel akki, koṃwi jab ṃōñā: kamel, her, im kone, kōnke rej meme kijeir alen ruo, a e jab jepe akkir, re jab erreo ñan koṃ.


long thee, that thou able carry; place from thee, which LORD shall choose name there, when LORD hath blessed thee:


Im eḷaññe e aitōk aṃ iaḷ, im kwō jab maroñ in inek e, kōnke ettoḷọ jikin eo jān kwe, eo Jeova aṃ Anij ej kāālōt e bwe En likūt Etan ie, ñe Jeova a Anij ej kajeraaṃṃan eok


Levite, (because hath part inheritance with thee stranger, fatherless, widow, which within gates, shall come, shall satisfied; that LORD bless thee work thine hand which thou doest.


Im ri Livai, kōnke ejjeḷọk an kij ak jolōt ippaṃ, im ruwamāejet eo, i ro atajinemjen, im lio e jako pāleen, ro rej ilowaan kōjām ko aṃ, renaaj itok im ṃōñā im mat; bwe Jeova aṃ Anij en kajeraaṃṃan eok ilo jerbal otemjej i peōṃ, eo kwōj kōṃṃane.


shall, unto thee will away from theemark>because loveth thee thine housemark>because well with thee;


Im eḷaññe ej ba ñan eok, I jab kōṇaan diwōjḷọk jān ippaṃ, kōn an yokwe eok im ro nukuṃ, kōnke eṃṃan an pād ippaṃ;


Then that with shall give unto damselfather fifty shekels silver, shall wifemark>because hath humbled , away days.


Innām ḷeo ear babu ippān en leḷọk ñan jemān jiroñ eo juon im juo ṃōttan emān bọun in silver, im lio enaaj pāleen, kōnke ear kananaik e. En ja joḷọk e iuṃwin raan ko otemjej an.


Because thou servedst LORD with joyfulness, with gladness heart, abundance things;


Kōnke kwaar jab karijer ñan Jeova aṃ Anij ilo lañlōñ, ilo ṃōṇōṇō i būruōṃ, kōn men ko otemjej aṃ relōñḷọk.


Then anger shall kindled against them that , will forsake them, will hide face from them, they shall devoured, many evils troubles shall befall them; that they will that , these evils come uponmark>because among?


Innām enaaj bwil Aō illu ṇae er ilo raan eo, im Inaaj ilọk jān ippaer, i Inaaj pinej Meja jān er, im naaj kañ er, im elōñ men ko re nana im jorrāān k renaaj itok ioer; āindein renaaj ba ilo raan eo, Men kein re nana re jab itok io kōnke ad Anij e jako ipped ke?


Then shall answer them, That waters Jordan were before covenant LORD; when passed over Jordan, waters Jordan were : these stones shall memorial unto children Israel ever.


Innām koṃ naaj ba ñan er, Kōnke eṃōj kōjepel dān ko an Jordan iṃaan tōptōp in kalliṃur an Jeova; ke ear eḷḷā jān Jordan, dān ko an Jordan eṃōj kōjepeli. Im dekā ko renaaj men in keememej ñan ro nejin Israel ñan indeeo.


Joshua saved Rahab harlot alive, fatherhousehold, that ; dwelleth Israel even unto this mark>because messengers, which Joshua sent Jericho.


A Rehab, kōrā e kijoñ eo, im ro nukun jemān, im aolep in ippān, Joshua ear kōjparok aer mour; im ear jokwe ilo bwiljin Israel ñan rainin, kōnke ear ṇooj ri iaroñroñ ro Joshua ear jilkinḷọk er bwe ren wat Jeriko.


shall, that that taken with accursed thing shall burnt with fire, that hathmark>because hath transgressed covenant LORD, because hath wrought folly Israel.


Im eo renaaj lo men in aje eo ippān renaaj tile kōn kijeek, e im men otemjej ippān, kōnke ear kọkkure bujen eo an Jeova, im ear kōṃṃan men in bwebwe ilo Israel.


children Israel smote them mark>because princes congregation sworn unto them LORD Israel. congregation murmured against princes.


Im ro nejin Israel raar jab ṃan er, kōnke irooj ro in jar eo raar kalliṃur ñan er kōn Jeova, Anij in Israel. Im aolepen jar eo raar ellotaan irooj raṇ.


they answered Joshua, said, Because certainly told servants, that LORD commanded servant Moses give land, destroy inhabitants land from before , therefore were sore afraid lives because , have done this thing.


Innām raar uwaak Joshua im ba, Kōnke raar kanooj kōnnaanōk kōm ri karijerōṃ ekōjkan Jeova ami Anij ear jiroñ Moses ri karijeran bwe en lewōj aolepen ānin, im bwe koṃwin kọkkure aolep ro rej jokwe ilo ānin jān iṃaami; kōn men in kōm ar kanooj lōḷñọñ kake koṃ kōn am mour, innām kōm ar kōṃṃan men in.


Moses sware that , saying, Surely land whereon feet have trodden shall thine inheritance, children evermark>because thou hast wholly followed LORD .


Im Moses ear kalliṃur raan eo im ba, E ṃool ijo neōṃ ear jure, enaaj aṃ men in jolōt im an ro nejōṃ ñan indeeo, kōnke kwaar kanooj ḷoor Jeova aṃ Anij.


Because daughters Manasseh inheritance among sons: rest Manassehsons land Gilead.


Kōnke kōrā ro nejin Menassa raar bōk aer jolōt ippān ro nejin eṃṃaan. Im āne in Giliad e kar an eṃṃaan ro jet nejin Menassa.


children Manasseh could drive inhabitants those cities; Canaanites would dwell that land.


Ijoke, ro nejin Menassa re ban kadiwōjḷọk ro ri jikin kweilọk ko, kōnke ro ri Kenean re pen ilo aer jokwe ilo āne eo.


Joshua answered them, thougreat people, then thee wood country, down thyself there land Perizzites giants, mount Ephraim narrow thee.


Im Joshua ear ba ñan er, Eḷaññe kwe juon bwij eḷap, kwōn wanlōñḷọk ilo bukwōn wōjke, im make kōmaajaj ñan kwe juon jikin ilo āne in ro ri Periz kab ri Ripeim, kōnke eḷap an dik āne e utiej an Ipreim ñan kwe.


Phinehas Eleazar priest said unto children Reuben, children , children Manasseh, This perceive that LORD amongmark>because have committed this trespass against LORD: have delivered children Israel hand LORD.


Im Pinehas, nejin Iliezar, pris eo, ear ba ñan ro nejin Ruben, im ñan ro nejin Gad, im ñan ro nejin Menassa, Rainin kōm jeḷā bwe Jeova ej i bwiljem, kōnke koṃ ar jab kōṃṃan bōd in ṇae Jeova. Kiiō koṃ ar kōtḷọk ro nejin Israel jān pein Jeova.


anger LORD against Israel; said, Because that this people hath transgressed covenant whichcommanded their fathers, have hearkened unto voice;


Im illu an Jeova ear bwil ṇae Israel; im E ba, Kōnke ro ri aelōñ in raar jab pokake bujen eo Iar jiroñ ro jiṃṃaer kake, im raar jab eọroñ ainikiō;


children Israel evil again sight LORD: LORD strengthened Eglon king Moab against Israelmark>because they done evil sight LORD.


Im ro nejin Israel raar bar kōṃṃan men ko re nana iṃaan mejān Jeova; im Jeova ear kakajoor Eglon, kiiñ in Moab, ṇae Israel, kōnke raar kōṃṃan nana iṃaan mejān Jeova.


Joash said unto that stood against , Will plead Baal? will save ? that will plead , death whilst morning: a , plead himselfmark>because hath cast down altar.


Im Joash ear ba ñan er otemjej raar jutak juṃae e, Koṃ naaj akweḷap kōn Beal ke? Ak koṃ naaj lọmọọren ke? Eo e kōṇaan akweḷap kōn e ren ṃan e ke e jibboñ. Eḷaññe e juon anij, en make akweḷap kōn e, kōnke juon ear jolaḷḷọk lokatok eo an.


Therefore that called Jerubbaal, saying, Baal plead against mark>because hath thrown down altar.


Kōn men in, raan eo ear ṇa etan Jerubeal, im ba, Beal en akweḷap ṇae e, kōnke ear jolaḷḷọk lokatok eo an.


said unto Jether firstborn, Up, slay them. youth drew sword: fearedmark>because youth.


Im ear ba ñan Jiter ṃaanjien, Kwōn jutak, im ṃan er. A likao eo ear jab nōōr jāje eo an; bwe e mijak kōnke e likao wōt.


risen against fatherhouse this , have slain sons, threescore persons, upon stone, have made Abimelech, maidservant, king over Shechemmark>because your brother;)


Im koṃ ar kabata ṇae ṃōn jema rainin, im koṃ ar ṃan ro nejin ṃaan jiljilimjuonñoul armej, ioon juon dekā, im koṃ ar kautiej Abimelek, nejin karijeran kōrā, ioon ro ri Shekem, kōnke jeōmi im jatōmi);


king children Ammon answered unto messengers Jephthah, Because Israel took away land, when they came Egypt, from Arnon even unto Jabbok, unto Jordan: therefore restore those lands again peaceably.


Im kiiñ eo an ro nejin Amon ear uwaak ro rū jelōk jān Jepta, Kōnke Israel ear bōk āne eo aō, ke ear wanlōñḷọk jān Ijipt, jān Arnon, aet, ñan Jabbok kab ñan Jordan; kōn men in kiiō, kwōn kajepḷaaktok āne ko ilo aenōṃṃan.


Then Philistines said, hath done this? they answered, Samson, Timnitemark>because taken wife, given companion. Philistines came, burnt father with fire.


Innām ro ri Pilistia re ba, Wōn ear kōṃṃan men in? Im re ba, Samson, pāleen lio nejin ri Timna, kōnke ear bōk lio pāleen, im leḷọk e ñan ḷeo jerān. Innām ro ri Pilistia raar wanlōñtak im tile lio im jemān kōn kijeek.


shall, when their fathers their brethren come unto complain, that will unto them, favourable unto them sakesmark>because reserved each wife : give unto them this time, that should guilty.


Innām ñe ro jemaer ak jeir im jatier rej item lotaan ñan kōm, kōm naaj ba ñan er, Koṃwin jouj im letok ñan kōm, kōnke jaar jab bōk ilo tariṇae ñan jabdewōt iaer lio pāleen, im koṃ ar jab leḷọk ñan er; eḷaññe āin juon enaaj kar wor ruōmi.


Wherefore came pass, when time come about after Hannah conceived, that bare, called name Samuel, saying, Becausehave asked LORD.


Im ke e jejjet iien, Hanna ear etta, im keotak nejin ṃaan; im ear ṇa etan Samuel, im ba, Kōnke iar kajjitōk e ippān Jeova.


named child Ichabod, saying, glory departed from Israelmark>because taken, because father husband.


Im ear ṇa etan niñniñ eo Ikabod, im ba, Aiboojoj e jako jān Israel; kōnke eṃōj aer bōk tōptōp an Anij, im kōn an ḷeo pāleen im jemān mej.


smote Bethshemeshmark>because they looked into LORD, even smote people fifty thousand threescore : people lamentedmark>because LORD smitten many people withgreat slaughter.


Im Ear ṃan jet iaan ro ri Bet-shimesh, kōnke raar alwōj ilowaan tōptōp an Jeova, aet, Ear ṃan iaan armej ro 50,070 armej; im armej raar būroṃōj, kōn an Jeova ṃan armej ro kōn mej eḷap.


they cried unto LORD, said, have sinnedmark>because have forsaken LORD, have served Baalim Ashtaroth: deliver hand enemies, will serve thee.


Im raar laṃōj ñan Jeova, im ba, Kōm ar jerọwiwi, kōnke kōm ar ilọk jān Jeova, im kōm ar jerbal ñan Beal im ashterat; im kiiō Kwōn lọmọọrem jān pein ro ri kōjdate kōm, im kōmnaaj jerbal ñan Kwe.


Samuel said, What hast thou done? Saul said, Because that people were scattered from, that thou camest within days appointed, that Philistines gathered themselves together Michmash;


Im Samuel ej ba, Ta eo kwaar kōṃṃane? Im Saul ear ba, Kōnke iar lo bwe armej ro raar jeplōklōk jān ña, im kwaar jab itok ilo raan ko eṃōj kajejjeti, im ro ri Pilistia raar kweilọk i Mikmash.


kingdom shall continue: LORD hath sought after heart, LORD hath commanded captain over peoplemark>because thou hast kept that which LORD commanded thee.


A kiiō aṃ kiiñ e jāmin etto; Jeova ear kappukot juon eṃṃaan ekkar ñan būruon, im Ear likūte irooj ioon armej ro doon, kōnke kwaar jab pokake men eo Jeova ear jiroñ eok.


Then Jonathan David madecovenantmark>because loved soul.


Innām Jonetan im Devid raar jeraik doon, kōnke ej yokwe e āinwōt an.


Saul afraid Davidmark>because LORD with , departed from Saul.


Im Saul ear mijak Devid, kōnke Jeova ej pād ippān, im Ear ilọk jān Saul.


Jonathan arose from table fierce anger, meat second month: grieved Davidmark>because father done shame.


Āindein Jonetan ear jerkak jān tebōḷ eo ilo illu eḷap, im ear jab ṃōñā jabdewōt kijen raan eo kein ra ruo ilo allōñ; bwe e būroṃōj kōn Devid, kōnke jemān ear kajook e.


king said unto footmen that stood about , Turn, slay priests LORDmark>because their hand also with David, because they knew when fled, shew. servants king would forth their hand fall upon priests LORD.


Im kiiñ ear ba ñan ri tariṇae ro rej jutak iturin, Koṃwin oktak im ṃan pris ro an Jeova; kōnke peir barāinwōt ippān Devid, im kōnke raar jeḷā kōn an ko, im raar jab kōnnaanōk eō. A ro ri karijeran kiiñ re jab kōṇaan erḷọke peir im ṃan pris ro an Jeova.


I pray thee, forgive trespass thine handmaid: LORD will certainly make lordsure housemark>because lord fighteth battles LORD, evil hath been found thee days.


Kwōn joḷọk, ij akweḷap ñan eok, bōd an karijerōṃ, bwe e ṃool Jeova enaaj kōṃṃan ṃweo e pen ñan aō irooj, kōnke kwe aō irooj kwōj tariṇaek tariṇae ko an Jeova; im re jāmin lo nana ippaṃ aolepen raan ko aṃ.


This thing good that thou hast done. LORD liveth, worthy mark>because have kept your master, LORDanointed where kingspear, cruse water that bolster.


Men in kwaar kōṃṃane e jab eṃṃan. Āinwōt Jeova e mour, koṃ dien mej, kōnke koṃ ar jab lale ami irooj, eo Jeova ear kapite. Im kiiō koṃwin lale ewi ṃade eo an kiiñ eo, im bato im dān e kar iturin bōran.


Because thou obeyedst voice LORD, executedst fierce wrath upon Amalek, therefore hath LORD done this thing unto thee this .


Kōnke kwaar jab pokake ainikien Jeova, im kwaar jab kōṃṃan illu eo An ioon Amelek, innām Jeova ear kōṃṃan men in ñan eok rainin.


Then answered wicked Belial, those that went with David, said, Because they went with, will give them ought spoil that have recovered, save every wife children, that they lead them away, depart.


Im ro otemjej re nana im armej waan iaan ro raar ilọk ippān Devid, raar uwaak im ba, Kōnke raar jab ilọk ippemḷọk, je jāmin leḷọk ñan er jabdewōt iaan rakim eo jaar bōke, a ñan jabdewōt armej lio pāleen im ro nejin, bwe en āñinḷọk er, im etal.


they mourned, wept, fasted until even, Saul, Jonathan , people LORD, house Israelmark>because they were fallen sword.


Im raar liaajlọḷ, im jañ, im jitlọk ñan jota, kōn Saul, im kōn Jonatan nejin, im kōn ro ri Israel; kōnke raar buñ kōn jāje.


shall restore lamb fourfoldmark>because this thing, because pity.


Im en bar leḷọk lam eo emān alen, kōnke ear kōṃṃan men in, im bwe ejjeḷọk an tūriaṃo.


therefore sword shall never depart from thine housemark>because thou hast despised, hast taken wife Uriah Hittite wife.


Kōn men in, jāje e jāmin ilọk jān ṃweo iṃōṃ, kōnke kwaar kajekdọọn Eō, im kwaar bōk lio pāleen Uraia ri Het bwe en pāleōṃ.


soul king David longed forth unto Absalom: comforted concerning Amnon, seeing dead.


Im Devid ear ōnkake Absalom, bwe e aenōṃṃan kōn Amnon kōnke e mej.


therefore thatcome speak this thing unto lord king, is because people have made afraid: handmaid said will speak unto king; that king will perform request handmaid.


Innām bwe eṃōj aō iten kōnono naan in ñan aō irooj kiiñ, men in kōnke armej raar kaamijak eō. Im ña, karijerōṃ, iar ba, Kiiō inaaj kōnono ippān kiiñ eo; bōlen kiiñ eo enaaj kōṃṃan men in kajjitōk jān ña, karijeran.


Whereas thou camest yesterday, shouldthis make thee down with? seeingwhither, return thou, take back brethren: mercy truth with thee.


Kōnke kwaar itok āinwōt inne; eṃṃan ke bwe ña rainin in kōṃṃan aṃ ito-itak ippem, ke ij etetal āinwōt aō maroñ? Kwōn jepḷaak im kajepḷaak ro nukōṃ; jouj im ṃool ren pād ippaṃ.


Joab said unto , Thou shalt bear tidings this , thou shalt bear tidings another : this thou shalt bear tidingsmark>because king dead.


Im Joab ear ba ñan e, Kwō jāmin bōkḷọk naan rainin, a kwōnaaj bōkḷọk naan bar juon raan, a rainin kwō jāmin bōkḷọk naan kōnke e mej nejin kiiñ eo.


Abishai Zeruiah answered said, Shall Shimei death thismark>because cursed LORDanointed?


A Ebishai nejin Ziruaia ear uwaak im ba, Ren jab ṃan Shimeai kōn men in, kōnke ear kōpāle eo Jeova ear kapite ke?


Judah answered Israel, Because king near : wherefore then angry this matter? have eaten kingcost? hath given gift?


Im aolepen ri Juda raar uwaak ri Israel, Kōnke kiiñ eo erṃwem. Innām etke koṃij illu kōn men in? Kōm ar ṃōñā jabdewōt kijen kiiñ ke? Ak ear letok jabdewōt men ke?


king spared Mephibosheth, Jonathan Saulmark>because LORDoath that between them, between David Jonathan Saul.


A kiiñ eo ear kōjparok Mipiboshet, nejin Jonatan, nejin Saul, kōnke kalliṃur an Jeova ej ikōtaerro, ippān Devid im Jonatan nejin Saul.


Then earth shook trembled; foundations heaven moved shookmark>because wroth.


Innām e ṃakūtkūt laḷ in im pañijñij, im ḷoñtakin lañ raar ṃakūtkūt kōnke Ear illu.


brought forth also intolarge place: deliveredmark>because delighted.


Ear barāinwōt tōl eō ilowaan juon jikin e depakpak; Ear lọmọọr eō kōnke E ṃōṇōṇō kake eō.


unto Abiathar priest said king, thee Anathoth, unto thine fields; thou worthy death: will this time thee deathmark>because thou barest LORD before David father, because thou hast been afflicted wherein father afflicted.


Im kiiñ ear ba ñan Ebaiatar pris, Kwōn ilọk ñan Anatot, ñan jikin kallib ko aṃ; bwe dien mej kwe. A I jāmin ṃan eok iien in, kōnke kwaar ineekḷọk tōptōp an Irooj Jeova iṃaan Devid jema, im kōnke kwaar jorrāān ilo jabdewōt āinwōt jema ear jorrāān.


Only people sacrificed high placesmark>because there house built unto name LORD, until those days.


Men in wōt, armej raar katok ilo jikin ko re utiej kōnke ejjeḷọk eṃ eṃōj kalōk e ñan etan Jeova ñan raan ko.


they shall answer, Because they forsook LORD their , brought forth their fathers land Egypt, have taken hold upon other gods, have worshipped them, served them: therefore hath LORD brought upon them this evil.


Im renaaj uwaak, Kōnke raar ilọk jān Jeova aer Anij, Eo ear kadiwōjtok ro jiṃṃaer jān āne Ijipt, im raar bōk anij ro jet, im kabuñ ñan er im jerbal ñan er; kōn men in, Jeova ear bōktok aolepen nana in ioer.


Because that they have forsaken, have worshipped Ashtoreth goddess Zidonians, Chemosh Moabites, Milcom children Ammon, have walked ways, that which right mine eyes, keep statutes judgments, David father.


Kōnke raar ilọk jān Ña, im raar kabuñ ñan ashterat, anij kōrā an ro ri Saidon, Kimosh anij in Moab, im Milkōm anij an ro nejin Amon; im raar jab etetal ilo iaḷ ko Aō, bwe ren kōṃṃan men eo eṃṃan iṃaan meja, im bwe ren kōjparok kien ko Aō, im naan in kaiñi ko Aō, āinwōt Devid jemān ear kōṃṃan.


Israel shall mourn , bury : only Jeroboam shall come gravemark>because there found some good thing toward LORD Israel house Jeroboam.


Im aolepen ro ri Israel renaaj jañūt e im kalbwin e; bwe e wōt iaan nukun Jeroboam enaaj mej in atabuñ, kōnke ilo e eṃōj lo jabdewōt men eo eṃṃan ippān Jeova, Anij in Israel, ilo iṃōn Jeroboam.


LORD shall smite Israel, a reed shaken water, shall root Israel this good land, which gave their fathers, shall scatter them beyond rivermark>because they have made their groves, provoking LORD anger.


Bwe Jeova enaaj ṃan Israel, im renaaj āinwōt juon koba me ej ṃakūtkūt ilo dān; im Enaaj kōtteep Israel jān ānin eṃṃan Ear leḷọk ñan ro jiṃṃaer, im Enaaj kejeplōklōk er ettoḷọk jān River eo, kōnke raar kōṃanṃan aer Ashira, im kaillu Jeova kake.


Because David that which right eyes LORD, turned aside from thing that commanded days life, save only matter Uriah Hittite.


Kōnke Devid ear kōṃṃan men eo eṃṃan iṃaan mejān Jeova, im ear jab jeorḷọk jān jabdewōt naan in kaiñi ko An, raan ko otemjej in an mour, a ilo men in wōt an Uraia ri Het.


also Maachah mother, even removed from being queenmark>because made idolgrove; destroyed idol, burnt brook Kidron.


Barāinwōt ear joḷọk jān an lerooj Meaka jinen, kōnke ear kōṃṃan juon ekjab bwe en Ashira; im Esa ear juokwe ekjab eo an, im tile i koṃlaḷ in Kidron.


said unto , Becausespake unto Naboth Jezreelite, said unto , Give vineyard money; else, please thee will give thee another vineyard : answered will give thee vineyard.


Im ear ba ñan lio, Kōnke iar kōnono ñan Nebot ri Jezriel im ba ñan e, Kwōn letok jikin kallib in grep eo aṃ kōn ṃani; a eḷaññe āin juon, ñe eṃṃan ippaṃ, inaaj lewōj bar juon jikin kallib in grep kōn e. Im ear uwaak, I jāmin lewōj aō jikin kallib in grep.


Ahab said Elijah, Hast thou found mine enemy? answered have found theemark>because thou hast sold thyself work evil sight LORD.


Im Ehab ear ba ñan Ilaija, Kwaar lo eō ke, O kwe ri kōjdate eō? Im ear uwaak, Eṃōj aō lo eok, kōnke kwaar make wiakake eok bwe kwōn kōṃṃan nana iṃaan mejān Jeova.


angel LORD said Elijah Tishbite, Arise, meet messengers king Samaria, unto them, because there Israel, that enquire Baalzebub Ekron?


A enjeḷ an Jeova ear ba ñan Ilaija ri Tishba, Kwōn jutak, im ilen wanṃae ro rū jelōk jān kiiñ in Sameria im ba ñan er, Koṃij ilen kajjitōk ippān Bealzibub, anij in Ekron, kōnke ejjeḷọk Anij ilo Israel ke?


they said unto , There came meet, said unto, Go, turn again unto king that sent , unto , Thus saith LORD, because there Israel, that thou sendest enquire Baalzebub Ekron? therefore thou shalt come down from that which thou gone, shalt surely .


Im re ba ñan e, Juon eṃṃaan ear iten wanṃae kōm, im ear ba ñan kōm, Koṃwin jepḷaak ñan kiiñ eo ear jilkinḷọk koṃ im ba ñan e, Āindein Jeova ej ba, Kwōj jilkinḷọk im kajjitōk ippān Beal-zibub, anij in Ekron, kōnke ejjeḷọk Anij ilo Israel ke? Kōn men in kwō jāmin to jān bed ṇe ijo kwaar uwe ie, a e ṃool kwōnaaj mej.


Hazael said, weepeth lord? answered, Becauseknow evil that thou wilt unto children Israel: their strong holds wilt thou fire, their young wilt thou slay with sword, wilt dash their children, their women with child.


Im Hazael ear ba, Etke aō irooj ej jañ? Im ear uwaak, Kōnke I jeḷā nana eo kwōnaaj kōṃṃane ñan ro nejin Israel. Kwōnaaj tile aer jikin ko re kajoor; kwōnaaj ṃan kōn jāje likao ro aer, im kwōnaaj kapedakilkil niñniñ ro aer im ṃwijiti lọjien kōrā ro aer re bōrọro.


king Joram went back healed Jezreel wounds which Syrians given Ramah, when fought against Hazael king Syria. Ahaziah Jehoram king Judah went down Joram Ahab Jezreelmark>because sick.


Im kiiñ Joram ear jepḷaaktok bwe ren kaejmour e i Jezriel jān kinej ko ro ri Siria raar kakinejnej e i Rema, ke ear tariṇaek Hazael kiiñ in Siria. Im Ehazaia nejin Jehoram kiiñ in Juda, ear wanlaḷḷọk in loḷọk Joram nejin Ehab i Jezriel, kōnke e nañinmej.


Then Menahem smote Tiphsah, that were therein, coasts thereof from Tirzahmark>because they opened , therefore smote; women therein that were with child ripped.


Iien eo Menahem ear ṃan Tipsa, im ro otemjej ilowaan, kab ilo tōrerein ko an, jān Tirza, kōnke raar jab kapeḷḷọk ñan e. Innām ear ṃan e, im aolepen kōrā ro re bōrọro, ear ṃwijiti lọjier.


, that children Israel sinned against LORD their , which brought them land Egypt, from under hand Pharaoh king Egypt, feared other gods,


Im āindein, kōnke ro nejin Israel raar jerọwiwi ṇae Jeova aer Anij, Eo ear kadiwōjtok er jān Ijipt, jān iuṃwin pein Pero kiiñ in Ijipt, im raar mijak anij ro jet,


Wherefore they spake king Assyria, saying, nations which thou hast removed, placed cities Samaria, know manner land: therefore hath sent lions among them, , behold, they slay themmark>because they know manner land.


Innām raar kōnono ñan kiiñ in Assiria im ba, Ro ri aelōñ ko kwaar āñinḷọk er im likūt er ilo jikin kweilọk ko an Sameria, re jaje kien anij in āneo; kōn men in, ear jilkinḷọk laion ko ñan ippaer, im lo, rej ṃan er, kōnke re jab jeḷā kien anij in āneo.


Because they obeyed voice LORD their , transgressed covenant, that Moses servant LORD commanded, would hear them, them.


Kōnke raar jab pokake ainikien Jeova aer Anij, a raar joḷọk bujen eo An, aet, men otemjej Moses, karijeran Jeova, ear jiroñ er, im raar jab kōṇaan eọroñ e ak kōṃṃane.


have cast their gods into fire: they were gods, work hands, wood stone: therefore they have destroyed them.


Im raar joḷọk ilo kijeek anij ro aer, kōnke re jab anij, a eḷtan pein armej, wōjke im dekā; kōn men in raar kọkkure er.


Because they have done that which evil sight, have provoked anger, since their fathers came forth Egypt, even unto this .


Kōnke raar kōṃṃan nana iṃaan Meja, im raar kaillu Eō, jān raan eo ke ro jiṃṃaer raar diwōjtok jān Ijipt, aet ñan rainin.


ye, enquire LORD , people, Judah, concerning words this book that found: great wrath LORD that kindled againstmark>because fathers have hearkened unto words this book, according unto that which written concerning.


Koṃwin ilọk, koṃwin kajjitōk ippān Jeova kōn ña, im kōn armej ro, im kōn ri Juda otemjej, kōn naan ko ilo bok in eṃōj aō loe; bwe e bwil illu eḷap an Jeova ṇae kōj, kōnke ro jiṃṃad raar jab eọroñ naan ko ilo bok in, im kōṃṃan ekkar ñan men otemjej ar jeje kōn kōj.


Because they have forsaken, have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke anger with works their hands; therefore wrath shall kindled against this place, shall quenched.


Kōnke raar ilọk jān Ña, im raar kōkaijurjur ñan anij ro jet, im kaillu Eō kōn jerbal ko otemjej in peir, kōn men in, enaaj bwil Aō illu ṇae jikin kweilọk in, im e jāmin kun.


Because thine heart tender, thou hast humbled thyself before LORD, when thou heardest whatspake against this place, against inhabitants thereof, that they should becomedesolation curse, hast rent clothes, wept before also have heard thee, saith LORD.


Kōnke e pidodo būruōṃ, im kwaar kōttāik eok iṃaan Jeova, ke kwaar roñjake ta eo I kar kōnono ṇae jikin in, im ṇae ro ri jokwe ie, bwe renaaj kanooj jorrāān im men in kakūtōtō, im kwaar kekōl nuknuk ko aṃ, im jañ iṃaō; barāinwōt Ña Iar roñjake eok, Jeova ej ba.


David displeasedmark>because LORD madebreach upon Uzza: wherefore that place called Perezuzza this .


Im Devid ear būroṃōj kōnke Jeova ear kọkkure Uzza, innām ear ṇa etan jikin eo Pirez-uzza ñan rainin.


with them Heman Jeduthun, rest that were chosen, were expressed name, give thanks LORDmark>because mercy endureth ever;


Im ippaer Heman im Jedutun im ro jet eṃōj kāālōt er, im ar kwaḷọk etaer, bwe ren kaṃṃoolol Jeova, kōnke tūriaṃo eo An ej pād wōt ñan indeeo.


Moreover Solomon hallowed middle court that before house LORD: there offered burnt offerings, peace offeringsmark>because brasen altar which Solomon made able receive burnt offerings, meat offerings, .


Bar juon, Solomon ear kokwōjarjar eoḷapen oror eo iṃaan ṃweo iṃōn Jeova; bwe ijo ear leḷọk katok kijeek ko, im kūriij an katok aenōṃṃan ko, kōnke lokatok bronze eo Solomon ear kōṃanṃane e jab maroñ in bōk katok kijeek eo im katok grain, im kūriij eo.


shall answered, Because they forsook LORD their fathers, which brought them forth land Egypt, laid hold other gods, worshipped them, served them: therefore hath brought this evil upon them.


Im renaaj uwaak, Kōnke raar ilọk jān Jeova, Anij an ro jiṃṃaer, Eo ear kadiwōjtok er jān āne Ijipt, im raar bōk anij ro jet, im kabuñ ñan er, im jerbal ñan er; kōn men in Ear bōktok aolepen jorrāān in ioer.


Azariah chief priest, priests, looked upon , , behold, leprous forehead, they thrust from thence; , himself hasted also mark>because LORD smitten .


Im Azaraia pris eḷap, im pris otemjej, raar reiḷọk ñan e, im lo, ewor nañinmej in leper ilo deṃan, im raar ṃōkaj in kadiwōjḷọk e jān ijo; aet ear kaiur e in ilọk, kōnke Jeova ear ṃan e.


Because they have forsaken, have burned incense unto other gods, that they might provoke anger with works their hands; therefore wrath shall poured upon this place, shall quenched.


Kōnke raar ilọk jān Ña, im kōkaijurjur ñan anij ro jet, bwe ren kaillu Eō kōn jerbal otemjej in peir. Kōn men in Ij lutōkḷọk Aō illu ioon jikin in im jāmin kune.


Then Tatnai, governor this side river, Shetharboznai, their companions, according that which Darius king sent, they speedily.


Innām Tatenai, irooj eo i River jab uweo, Shitar-bozinai, im ro jeraer raar kate er im kōṃṃan āinwōt kōnke Daraiōs kiiñ ear jiroñ er.


there were many Judah sworn unto mark>because Shechaniah Arah; Johanan taken daughter Meshullam Berechiah.


Bwe elōñ i Juda eṃōj aer kalliṃur ñan e, kōnke ear pāleik lio nejin Shekenaia nejin Era; im Jihohenan, nejin, ear bōk lio nejin Mishullam, nejin Berekaia, bwe en pāleen.


Because they children Israel with bread with water, hired Balaam against them, that should curse them: howbeit turned curse intoblessing.


Kōnke raar jab wōnṃae ro nejin Israel kōn ṃōñā im dān, a raar kōjerbal Beleam ṇae er bwe en kọọl er; mekarta, am Anij ear ukōt jerata eo ñan jeraaṃṃan.


thought scorn hands Mordecai alone; they shewed people Mordecai: wherefore Haman sought destroy Jews that were throughout whole kingdom Ahasuerus, even people Mordecai.


A ear abwin bwe en likūt pein ioon Mordikeai wōt, kōnke raar kōjjeḷāik e kōn ro ri aelōñ an Mordikeai. Kōn men in ear kappukot bwe en kọkkure ro ri Ju otemjej me rej pād ilo aolepen aelōñ eo an Ehasuirōs, aet ro ri aelōñ an Mordikeai.


this thing willingly havereward: against will dispensation gospel committed unto.


Bwe eḷaññe ij kōṃṃan men in kōnke I kōṇaan, ewor aō jinōkjeej; aññe I ṃakoko, juon jerbal in kōmñe letok ñan eō.


that being clothed shall found naked.


Kōnke ñe eṃōj kōṇake, re jāmin lo kōm im keelwaan.


this mark>because continueth ever, hath unchangeable priesthood.


Im e ṃool er raar pris relōñ, kōnke mej ej bōbrae aer pād wōt,


time past life suffice have wrought will Gentiles, when walked lasciviousness, lusts, excess wine, revellings, banquetings, abominable idolatries:


Kōnke e bwe iien eo ke koṃ ar mour āinwōt ro ri aelōñ ko, im etetapaer ilo ḷōñ, ṃōṃ ko renana, idaak wain, airuwaro ko, kadek ko, im kabuñ ñan ekjab ko, re men in dike.


( yesterday, know nothingmark>because days upon earth shadow:)


Bwe kōj jān inne wōt, im ejjeḷọk ad jeḷā, kōnke raan ko ad ioon laḷ āinwōt juon annañ.


also shall salvation: hypocrite shall come before .


Men in barāinwōt enaaj lọmọọren eō, kōnke juon armej e nana e jāmin itok iṃaan.


stretcheth hand against , strengtheneth himself against Almighty.


Kōnke ear erḷọke pein ṇae Anij, im ej juwaḷōñḷōñ ṇae Eo e Kajoor Bō- tata;


congregation hypocrites shall desolate, fire shall consume tabernacles bribery.


Kōnke jar an ro ri nana enaaj jeraṃōl, im kijeek enaaj tile ṃo ko iṃōn ro me rej wiaik būruon armej kōn jāān.


Becausedelivered poor that cried, fatherless, that none help .


Kōnke iar lọmọọren ri jeraṃōl eo me ear kūr, barāinwōt eo e jako jemān, im eo ejjeḷọk ri jipañ e.


Should according mind? will recompense, whether thou refuse, whether thou choose; therefore speak what thou knowest.


Enaaj ṇa oṇeaṃ ekkar ñan aṃ kōṇaan kōnke kwaar abwin bōke ke? Kwōj aikuj in kāālōt, en jab ña! Kōn men in, kwōn baj kwaḷọktok men ko im kwō jeḷā.


reason multitude oppressions they make oppressed : they reason mighty.


Unin aer laṃōj ej kōnke e kanooj ḷap men in kaṃakoko ko; rej kūr bwe elōñ ren lọmọọren er jān pein ri kajoor.


causeth come, whether correction, land, mercy.


Ej kōṃṃan men kein bwe ren kein kaje, kein kwaḷọk An yokwe, ak kōnke An āne eo.


provideth raven food? when young ones unto , they wander lack meat.


Wōn ej leḷọk kijen bao raven ke ro nejin rej laṃōj ñan Anij, im jebwābwe kōnke ejjeḷọk kijeir?


mouth babes sucklings hast thou ordained strength because thine enemies, that thou mightest still enemy avenger.


Kwaar kōṃṃan bwe ajri im niñniñ ro ren nōbar Eok kōnke ewor ro rej kōjdat Eok, bwe Kwōn kejakḷọkjeṇ ri kōjdat eo im rū kwi.


Because they rebelled against words , contemned counsel most High:


Kōnke raar kapata ṇae naan ko an Anij, im kōtrāe pepe an Eo e utiejtata.


Because thou hast forgotten salvation, hast been mindful rock strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, shalt with strange slips:


Kōnke kwaar meḷọkḷọk Anij in aṃ lọmọọr, im kwaar jab ḷōmṇak kōkā in aṃ kajoor. Kōn men in, meñe kwōj ekkat keinikkan reṃṃan tata i jān laḷ ko jet,


Thus saith LORD, Redeemer Israel, Holy , whom despiseth, whom nation abhorreth, a servant rulers, Kings shall arise, princes also shall worshipmark>because LORD that faithful, Holy Israel, shall choose thee.


Āindein Jeova ej ba, Ri Lọmọọren Israel, im Ri Kwōjarjar eo an, ñan Emej rej kūtōtō kake, ñan Eo aelōñ eo ej dike ñan juon karijeran irooj ro: Kiiñ ro renaaj lo im jerkak; ri utiej ro, im renaaj kabuñ, kōnke Jeova e tiljek, im Rōjarjar in Israel, Eo ear kāālōt eok.


Therefore willdivide portion with great, shall divide spoil with strongmark>because hath poured soul unto death: numbered with transgressors; bare many, made intercession transgressors.


Kōn men in, Inaaj je An kij ippān ro re ḷap, im Enaaj ajej men in rakipān ro re kajoor; kōnke Ear lutōkḷọk an ñan mej, im ar bwini E ippān ro rd. A Ear inekḷọk jerọwiwi an elōñ, im Ear kōṃṃan men in medek kōn ro rd


Therefore willnumber sword, shall down slaughtermark>because whencalled, answer; whenspake, hear; evil before mine eyes, choose that whereindelighted .


Inaaj likūt koṃ dien mej kōn jāje, im koṃ otemjej naaj badikdik ñakkure, kōnke koṃ ar jab uwaak Aō kūr; ke Iar kōnono, koṃ ar jab eọroñ; ṃ ar kōṃṃan men eo e nana ilo meja, im kāālōt men eo I jab ṃōṇōṇō kake.


astonished heavens, this, horribly afraid, very desolate, saith LORD.


Kōnke ro doō raar kōṃṃan ruo bōd. Raar ilọk jān Eō, unin dān ko rur, bwe ren kōb ñan er nien dān ko, nien dān ko re rup im re jab maroñ dāpij dān.


bellows burned, lead consumed fire; founder melteth vain: wicked plucked away.


Armej renaaj ba bwe rej āinwōt silver eṃōj joḷọke; kōnke Jeova ear joḷọ


I will surely consume them, saith LORD: there shall grapes vine, figs tree, leaf shall fade; things thathave given them shall pass away from them.


Etke jej jijet wōt? Koṃwin kweilọk im jen deḷọñ ñan lowaan jikieilọk ko re pen im jen mej ie; bwe Jeova ad Anij ej ṃan kōj im Ear kaidaaj kōn dān e meọ kōnke jaar jerọwiwi ṇae Jeova.


them make haste, takewailing , that eyes down with tears, eyelids gush with waters.


Bwe eṃōj roñjake ainikien liaajlọḷ jān Zaion; enañin ḷap ad jorrāān! Jkkuun jook kōnke jaar ilọk jān āne eo kōn aer kar jolaḷḷọk jikin jokwe ko ad.


hear word LORD women, your receive word mouth, teach your daughters wailing, every neighbour lamentation.


Kōnke mej ear wanlōñtak ñan lowaan wūnto ko ad; ear deḷọñ ilo ṃok pen ko ad; bwe en joḷọk ajri ro jān iaḷ im likao ro jān jikin ko re depakpak.


Thus saith LORD, wise glory wisdom, neither mighty glory might, rich glory riches:


Ak eo ej kōmmejāje en kōmmejāje ilo men in, bwe e meḷeḷe im e jeḷā Eō bwe Ña Jeova eo ej kōṃṃan jouj, jiṃwe, im wānōk ilo laḷ in, kōnke Iṇōṇō kake men kein, Jeova ej ba.


They deck with silver with gold; they fasten with nails with hammers, that move .


Rej āinwōt juon ken kaamijak bao ilo jikin kallib in kiudi; re jab kōnonoj aikuj bwe juon en ineek er kōnke re jab maroñ etetal. Koṃwin jab mijak ere re jab maroñ kōṃṃan nana, im barāinwōt ejjeḷọk aer maroñ in kōṃṃaṃan.


tabernacle spoiled, cords broken: children gone forth, they : there none stretch forth tent more, curtains.


Kōnke seperd ro re bwebwe, im re jab pukot Jeova; kōn men in, raar jab jeraaṃṃan, im bwij ko aer otemjej re jeplōklōk.


Many pastors have destroyed vineyard, they have trodden portion under foot, they have made pleasant portiondesolate wilderness.


Ear kōṃṃane bwe en jeepepḷọk; e jeepepḷọk, ej jañ iṃaō; aolepen āne eo e jeepepḷọk kōnke ejjeḷọk armej ej lale.


Give glory LORD your , before cause darkness, before your feet stumble upon dark mountains, , while look light, turn into shadow death, make gross darkness.


Im eḷaññe koṃij jab eọroñ E, aō enaaj jañ ilo jikin ko rettino kōn aṃ juwa, im meja renaaj kanooj jañ im tọọrḷọk kōn dānnin kōmjaaḷaḷ kōnke enaapọkwe bwij eo an Jeova.


Because ground chapt, there rain earth, plowmen were ashamed, they covered their heads.


Bwe barāinwōt kidu dir eo ilo meḷaaj ear keotak, ak ear likūt e, kōnke r ejjeḷọk wūjooj.


Behold will send many fishers, saith LORD, they shall fish them; after willsend many hunters, they shall hunt them from every mountain, from every hill, holes rocks.


Kōnke Ij lo iaḷ ko aer otemjej; re jab ṇojak jān Eō; im nana ko aer rejajak jān Meja.


, Hear word LORD kings Judah, inhabitants Jerusalem; Thus saith LORD hosts, Israel; Behold will bring evil upon this place, which whosoever heareth, ears shall tingle.


Kōnke raar ilọk jān Eō, im raar kowaan jikin in, im ilo e raar katok ñaij ro jet, ro er im ro jemaer im kiiñ ro in Juda raar jab jeḷā, im raar kobrakin in kōn bōtōktōk ejjeḷọk ruōn.


LORD withmighty terrible : therefore persecutors shall stumble, they shall prevail: they shall greatly ashamed; they shall prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never forgotten.


O Jeova in inelep, Eo ej māllejoñ rū wānōk im lo ḷōmṇak ko im bōro lo Aṃ iden-oṇe ioer kōnke iar kwaḷọk aō inepata ñan Kwe.


many nations shall pass this city, they shall every neighbour, Wherefore hath LORD done thus unto this great city?


Im renaaj ba, Kōnke raar ilọk jān bujen Jeova aer Anij, im raar kabuñ ñan anij ro jet im jerbal ñan er.


Because they have hearkened words, saith LORD, whichsent unto them servants prophets, rising early sending them; would hear, saith LORD.


Kōnke raar jab eọroñ naan ko Aō, Jeova ej ba, ko Iar jilkinḷọk ñan en ri kanaan ro, ro ri karijerō, ke ear makijkij Aō jilkinḷọk er; barāinwōt koṃ ar jab roñjake, Jeova ej ba.


Because they have committed villany Israel, have committed adultery with their neighbours’ wives, have spoken lying words name, whichhave commanded them; evenknow, witness, saith LORD.


Kōnke raar kōṃṃan bwebwe ilo Israel, im raar ḷōñ ippān kōrā ro pālee ri turir, im raar kwaḷọk naan ko re riab ilo Eta ko Iar jab jiroñ er; im I jeḷā Ij rū kaṃool Jeova ej ba.


Therefore thus saith LORD; Behold will punish Shemaiah Nehelamite, seed: shall have dwell among this people; neither shall behold good thatwill people, saith LORDmark>because hath taught rebellion against LORD.


Kōn men in āindein an Jeova ba, Lo, Inaaj kajeik Shemaia ri Nehele ro ineen; enaaj ejjeḷọk doon ibwiljin armej rein, im e ban lo eṃṃan eo Inaaṃṃan ñan ro doō, Jeova ej ba, kōnke ear kwaḷọk juṃae ṇae Jeova.


Zedekiah king Judah shut , saying, Wherefore dost thou prophesy, , Thus saith LORD, Behold will give this city into hand king Babylon, shall take;


Kōnke Zedekaia Kiiñ in Juda ear kalbuuje im ba, Etke kwōj rūkaanij i, Āindein an Jeova ba, Lo Ij leḷọk jikin kweilọk in ilo pein Kiiñ im Babilon enaaj bōk e.


Because Chaldeans: they were afraid themmark>because Ishmael Nethaniah slain Gedaliah Ahikam, whom king Babylon made governor land.


Kōn ro ri Kaldia; bwe raar mijak er kōnke Ishmael, nejin Netenaia, ean Gedelaia, nejin Ahikam, eo Kiiñ in Babilon ear kairooj e ioon āne eo


Because have burned incense, because have sinned against LORD, have obeyed voice LORD, walked , statutes, testimonies; therefore this evil happened unto , this .


Men in ej kōnke koṃ ar katok im koṃ ar jerọwiwi ṇae Jeova im koṃ ar jab pokake ainikien Jeova; im koṃ ar jab etal ilo kien ko An, naan in kaiñ An, im naan in kōnnaan ko An; im kōn men in, jorrāān in ear waḷọk ñaṃ āinwōt ej āindein rainin.


They hunt steps, that cannot streets: near, days fulfilled; come.


Je jab maroñ etal ilo iaḷ ko kōnke rej lukwarkwar kōj. Epaak jeṃḷọkōdobrak raan ko ad, bwe e moottok jeṃḷọkōd.


bread with peril lives because sword wilderness.


Kōmij bōk kijem pilawā ilo uwōta kōn am mour kōnke ewor juon jājo āne jeṃaden.


Nevertheless thou warn righteous , that righteous , doth , shall surely livemark>because warned; also thou hast delivered soul.


Ak kwe, eḷaññe kwaar kakkōl ri wānōk eo bwe en jab jerọwiwi, innājab jerọwiwi, ilo ṃool enaaj mour kōnke eṃōj kakkōl e. Im kwe kwaamọọren aṃ mour.


That they want bread water, astonied with another, consume away their iniquity.


Kōnke e ban bwe pilawā im dān; im renaaj bwilōñ kōn doon im naaḷọk ilo aer bōd.


Because, even because they have seduced people, saying, Peace; there peace; builtwall, , lo, others daubed with untempered morter:


Kōnke raar kejabwābweik armej ro doō im ba Aenōṃṃan, ak ejjeḷọnōṃṃan. Juon ear kalōk juon oror im bar juon ear plastere kōn plaster mouj.


will make land desolatemark>because they have committedtrespass, saith Lord .


Im Inaaj kajeepepḷọk āneo kōnke raar kōṃṃan bōd, Irooj Jeova ej ba


thou didst trust thine beauty, playedst harlot because renown, pouredst fornications every that passed; .


Ak kwaar lōke aṃ deọ, im kwaar ḷōñ kōnke kwaar buñbuñ. Im kwaar lutōkḷọk ḷōñ ko aṃ ioon aolep ro raar eḷḷā jān eok.


Thou hast played whore also with Assyriansmark>because thou wast unsatiable; , thou hast played harlot with them, couldest satisfied.


Im kwaar ḷōñ ippān ro ri Assiria kōnke ear jab mat kōṇaan ko aṃ; aetaar ḷōñ ippaer ak ear jab mat kōṇaan ko aṃ.


fathermark>because cruelly oppressed, spoiled brother violence, that which good among people, lo, even shall iniquity.


Ak jeman enaaj mej kōn bōd ko an kōnke ear kowadoñ im kọọt jāmjein jemjaten im kōṃṃan men ko re jab eṃṃan i bwiljin armej ro doon.


Because they despised judgments, walked statutes, polluted sabbaths: their heart went after their idols.


Kōnke raar kajekdọọn ekajet ko Aō, im kien ko Aō raar jab etetal ilo er raar kọkkure Sabat ko Aō, bwe būrueir raar ḷoor ekjab ko.


Because they executed judgments, despised statutes, polluted sabbaths, their eyes were after their fathers’ idols.


Kōnke raar jab kōṃṃan ekajet ko Aō, im raar kajekdọọn kien ko Aō kọkkure Sabat ko Aō, im mejeir raar reiḷọk ñan ekjab ko an ro jemaer.


Therefore thus saith Lord ; Because have made your iniquity remembered, that your transgressions discovered, that your doings your sins appearmark>because…I , that come remembrance, shall taken with hand.


Kōn men in, āindein an Irooj Jeova ba, Koṃ ar kōṃṃan bwe reememej nana ko ami. E alikkar bōd ko ami kōnke e waḷọk ami jerọwiwi illep kōṃṃan ko ami. Kōn aer keememej ami nana, renaaj jibwe koṃ kōir.


Thus thou calledst remembrance lewdness youth, bruising teats Egyptians paps youth.


Ak kwaar kōṇaan nana ko ke eṃṃan dettaṃ, ke ro ri Ijipt raar jibwe ittū ittōṃ kōnke ear eṃṃan ittuṃ ke kwaar eṃṃan ded.


Prophesy therefore concerning land Israel, unto mountains, hills, rivers, valleys, Thus saith Lord ; Behold have spoken jealousy furymark>because have borne shame heathen:


Kōn men in, kwōn rūkaanij ṇae āne in Israel, im kwōn ba ñan toḷ ko, ba, wea ko im koṃlaḷ ko, āindein an Irooj Jeova ba, Lo, ilo Aō kaṃo im Aō illr kōnono, kōnke ro ri aelōñ ko raar kajirere kake koṃ.


upper chambers were shorter: galleries were higher than these, than lower, than middlemost building.


Ak ruuṃ ko ilōñtata raar dikḷọk, kōnke jikin etetal ko raar bōk jān er eḷan ko ilaḷ ak ko eoḷap ilo ṃweo.


, this secret revealed wisdom thathave more than living, their sakes that shall make known interpretation king, that thou mightest know thoughts heart.


Im kōn ña, ar jab kwaḷọk ettino in ñan eō kōnke eḷap aō mālōtlōt jālep ro jet rej mour, ak ej bwe en alikkar meḷeḷe eo ñan kiiñ eo im bwe kwōḷā ḷōmṇak ko an būruōṃ.


Then this Daniel preferred above presidents princesmark>because excellent spirit ; king thought over whole realm.


Innām Daniel ear utiej jān irooj ro reḷap im satrap ro kōnke ear wor juotōb eṃṃan ilo e. Im Kiiñ eo ear ḷōmṇak in kajutak e ioon aolep aelōñ eo.


hath sent angel, hath shut lions’ mouths, that they have hurt: forasmuch before innocency found; also before thee king, havedone hurt.


Anij eo aō ear jilkintok enjeḷ eo An, im ear kiili lọñin laion ko, im raab kọkkure eō, kōnke Ear jab lo ruō iṃaan mejān; kab I jañin kōṃṃan bōn kwe, O kiiñ.


prince kingdom Persia withstood twenty days: , lo, Michael, chief princes, came help; remained there with kings Persia.


Ak irooj in aelōñ in Persia ear juṃae eō iuṃwin roñoul juon raannām, lo, Maikōl, juon iaan irooj ro re utiej, ear itok im jipañ eō kōnke iar pāpān irooj ro in Persia.


I will punish your daughters when they commit whoredom, your spouses when they commit adultery: themselves separated with whores, they sacrifice with harlots: therefore people that doth understand shall fall.


I ban ekajet liṃaro nejōmi kōn kijoñ ko aer ak liṃaro pāleemi kōn ḷōñ ko aer kōnke ḷōṃaran, rej koba ippān ro ri ḷōñ, im rej katok ippān kōrā ro rjoñ; im armej ro re jajeḷọkjeṇ renaaj jorrāān.


Ephraim oppressed broken judgmentmark>because willingly walked after commandment.


Eṃōj matōrtōre im jipede Ipreim ilo ekajet kōnke ear kōṇaan ḷoor kiemej.


days visitation come, days recompence come; Israel shall know: prophetfool, spiritual , multitude thine iniquity, great hatred.


Raan ko raan in ekajet rej itok; raan ko raan in iden-oṇe rej itok; Israe jeḷā! Ri kanaan eo e bwebwe, im armej e kwōjarjar e wūdeakeak, kōnke bō aṃ re lōñ, im eḷap kōjdat.


will cast them awaymark>because they hearken unto : they shall wanderers among nations.


Aō Anij enaaj joḷọk er kōnke raar jab eoroñ E; im renaaj ri ito-itaeḷaakin aelōñ ko


they shall , have kingmark>because feared LORD; what then shouldking?


Innām kiiō renaaj ba, Ejjeḷọk ad kiiñ kōnke jaar jab mijak Jeova; im t juon kiiñ e maroñ kar kōṃṃan ñan kōj?


Thus saith LORD; three transgressions Judah, four will turn away punishment thereofmark>because they have despised LORD, have kept commandments, their lies caused them , after which their fathers have walked:


Āindein an Jeova ba, Kōn jilu bōd an Juda ak kōn emān, I ban ukōt kaj, kōnke raar joḷọk kien Jeova im jab pokake naan in jiroñ ko An, ak riab kr raar kejebwābweik er, ko ro jemaer raar ḷoori.


Then shall they unto LORD, will hear them: will even hide face from them that time, they have behaved themselves their doings.


Innām renaaj kūr ñan Jeova, ak E ban uwaak er. Im Enaaj ṇooj turijān jān er ilo iien eo kōnke raar kōṃṃan men ko re nana.


Then shall seers ashamed, diviners confounded: , they shall cover their lips; there answer .


Innām ro ri lolo renaaj jook, im ri ṃadṃōd renaaj pok, im aolepeir renaalbubu lọñier kōnke e jab wor uwaak jān Anij.


shall stand feed strength LORD, majesty name LORD ; they shall abide: shall great unto ends earth.


Im Enaaj jutak im seperd ilo kajoor an Jeova im ilo utiejen etan Jeova Aij. Im renaaj pād wōt kōnke ilo iien eo An utiej enaaj tōpar jeṃḷọken laḷ.


looked much, , came little; when brought home blow upon. ? saith LORD hosts. Because mine house that waste, every unto house.


Koṃ ar katmāne bwe en ḷap, ak ear dik; im ke koṃ ar bōkḷọk ñan ṃwer uukiḷọk e. Etke? Jeova in inelep ej ba. Kōnke ṃweo iṃō e jeepepḷọk, aṃij ettōr, jabdewōt iami, ñan ṃweo iṃōn.


, Wherefore? Because LORD hath been witness between thee wife youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: companion, wife covenant.


Ak koṃij ba, Etke? Kōnke Jeova E juon Ri Kōnnaan ikōtaṃ im lileōṃ jān ke kwaar likao, eo kwar kōṃṃan nana ñan e; im e ṃōttaṃ im liaar kōṃṃan bujen ippān.
